A Time To Build
by Brad Sherman

Soft cover
8-1/2 X 11
74 pages

This book is designed to help the reader glean spiritual truth from the pages of scripture in personal study or it may be used in a small group study.  It was developed to provide a course of study for membership in the local church. It has an easy to use format (see picture below) that asks questions and gives the scripture reference which provides the answer. Answers are also included in the back.


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Preface:   How to Use This Book    iv

Introduction: Why Membership?      v

Lesson 1:  The Gospel      1

Lesson 2:  Responding to the Gospel    7

Lesson 3:  Our Inheritance through the Gospel  13

Lesson 4:  The Devoted Life     19

Lesson 5:  The Church      25

Lesson 6:  Building Together     35

Lesson 7:  Church Leadership     41

Lesson 8:   Servanthood      49

Lesson 9:  Lord of our Finances     53

Lesson 10: Our Mission      59

Appendix A:   Answers       65

Appendix B:   Interviews and Sponsoring    79

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